Activated Carbon for Ultracapacitor 超级电容活性炭
Shell Carbon's activated carbon for ultracapacitor products are the world's leading high-performance production ultracapacitors. The quality is the most important to its capability.
It is warehouse with high electric energy, it elasticize speedy within 15 minutes. It will not overcharge, the electric energy is in high effect more than 95% as compare to commonly accumulator only 70%. The product have advantage of long shelf-life, charge and discharge range 30-1000 thousands times longer. Operate more reliably in high- and low-temperature conditions, require far less maintenance and reduce environmental issues associated with battery disposal. Extremely high electrical energy storage capacity and the ability to deliver bursts of high power and recharge rapidly from any energy source over hundreds of thousands of cycles make our ultracapacitors an ideal solution for a wide variety of applications.
With the extensive research & development, we successfully developed activated carbon for ultracapaitor for various industries. Ultracapacitors are widely used in the field of power, transportation, finance, communications and the military affair, etc. The great value of the actual applications provide a new energy storing means, which is highly efficient, low cost, and environment protecting, on the industrial production, social life and national defense.
The postage stamp-size small cell ultracapacitors extend battery life and enhance the performance and functionality of hand-held electronic devices, remote transmitting devices and toys.
Large cells are also available and can be linked together to form power packs of up to 500 cells to power initial acceleration, operate electrical subsystems and recapture energy from braking for cleaner, more fuel-efficient hybrid electric/internal combustion buses, trucks and automobiles. Shell Carbon offers several integrated module and pack solutions that are available with active or passive voltage balancing.
Working with system integrators and OEM partners, Shell Carbon Technologies can create solutions that can take full advantage of the ultracapacitor key characteristics:
High reliability and cycle life 100,000 cycles plus
Rapid recharge capability within minutes
High power density
Wider temperature range versus batteries
No maintenance
- Capacitors store energy in an electrostatic field rather than as a chemical state as in batteries.
- No chemical actions involved which means very long cycle life is possible.
- No limit on the cell voltage imposed by the "cell chemistry" as with gavanic cells.
- The terminal voltage directly proportional to the State of Charge (SOC) which limits range of applicability somewhat.
Low power capacitors
Capacitors are probably the most common form of non-chemical energy storage and are widely used in low power applications.
Typical specification: 20 µF to 2 Farads 5.5 to 6.3 Volts
Supercapacitors or Ultracapacitors as they are also called, look very much like batteries. They have a low energy density of less than 15 Wh/Kg but very high power density 4,000 W/Kg. Voltage equalization to spread the available charge evenly between the capacitors in a series chain may also be needed for many applications.
Typical specification for automotive applications: 10 to 200 Farads 100 Volts
- Cell voltage determined by the circuit application, not limited by the cell chemistry.
- Very high cell voltages possible (but there is a trade-off with capacity)
- High power available
- High power density
- Simple charging methods. No special charging or voltage detection circuits required.
- Very fast charge and discharge. Can be charged and discharged in seconds.
- Can not be overcharged.
- Long cycle life of more than 500,000 cycles at 100% DOD.
- No chemical actions.
- 10 to12 year life
- Low impedance
- Linear discharge voltage characteristic prevents use of all the available energy in some applications.
- Power only available for a very short duration.
- Low capacity.
- Low energy density.
- Cell balancing required for series chains.
- High self discharge rate. Much higher than batteries.
- Applications requiring a short duration power boost.
Low power
Capacitors are extensively used as power back-up for memory functions in a wide range of consumer products such as mobile phones, laptops and radio tuners.
Used in pulsed applications to share the load and for providing peak power assistance to reduce the duty cycle on the battery to prolong battery life in products or devices using mechanical actuators such as digital cameras. See also load sharing and used for energy storage for solar panels, and motor starters.
High power
The shortcomings above render supercapacitors unsuitable as primary power source for EV and HEV applications however their advantages make them ideal for temporary energy storage for capturing and storing the energy from regenerative braking and for providing a booster charge in response to sudden power demands.
Since the capacitor is normally connected in parallel with the battery in these applications, it can only be charged up to the battery upper voltage level and it can only be discharged down to the battery lower discharge level, leaving considerable unusable charge in the capacitor, thus limiting its effective or useful energy storage capacity. Using supercapacitors in EVs and HEVs to facilitate regenerative braking can add 15% to 25% to the range of the vehicle.
At the same time, supercapacitors can provide an effective short duration peak power boost allowing the prime battery to be downsized. It should be noted however that while supercapacitors can be used to provide the increased range and short term power, it is at the cost of considerable added weight and bulk of the system, and this should be weighed against the advantages of using higher capacity batteries.
Supercapacitors are also used to provide fast acting short term power back up for UPS applications. By combining a capacitor with a battery-based uninterruptible power supply system, the life of the batteries can be extended. The batteries provide power only during the longer interruptions, reducing the peak loads on the battery and permitting the use of smaller batteries.
- Specific surface (BET), m2/g: 1600 - 2500
- Total pore volume, cm3/g: 1.2-1.4
- Micropore volume, cm2/g: 0.75-0.98
- Transient pore (meo-pore ) volume,cm3/g : >0.25
- Ash content, %: <1%
- Bulk density g/ml: 0.45-0.55g/ml
- 超级电容器是绿色能源(绿色电池),不污染环境。铅酸电池污染环境,这个性能,为汽车行业解决了一大污染源;
- 超低串联等效电阻(ESR),功率密度是锂离子电池的数十倍以上,适合大电流放电。
- 超长寿命,充放电大于50万次,是锂离子电池的500倍,是镍氢和镍镉电池的1000倍,如果对超级电容每天充放电20次,连续使用可达68年。
- 可以大电流充电 充放电时间短,对充电电路要求简单、无记忆效应、超级电容器充电是双电层充放电的物理过程或是电极物质表面的快速、可逆的化学过程,可采用大电流充电,能在几十秒到数分钟内完成充电过程,是真正意义上的快速充电。而蓄电池则需要数小时完成充电,采用快速充电也需要几十分钟。
- 超级电容器彻底免维护,工作温度范围(-40~50℃);铅酸电池电动车在-40℃续驶里程减少90%,超级电容器电动车只减少10%。
- 体积小,外形紧凑,便于安装,节省空间,免维护,可密封。
- 可以在完全放电状态下存储,而过度放电对许多充电电池都是有害的;
我司开发的E-ENG系列超级电容活性炭,在保持高比表面积(2000-3000m2/g)、高比电容的情况下,依然具有良好的电化学性能。与国外同类产品相比, 有较高的性价比,并在国内外超级电容器厂家中得到了实际应用。公司理念以“质量为本、创新为源。我们坚信,产品创新永无止境、质量提升永无止境、做得更好是我们对自己的要求和对客户的承诺。